Русский |
Mikheev, Mikhail Yurievich
2003 – current: Moscow State University Scientific Research Computer Center Currently – Leading Research Scholar
Education and Professional Training
University Degrees
Phylological Faculty, Graduate work –Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics.
Postgraduate Training
1996 – Kandidat degree "Semantica prichinnogo otnosheniya y pragmatica rechevogo acta obosnovaniya".
2004 – Doctor degree
Teaching Experience Moscow State University, Philological Faculty: Courses "Diaries and notebooks", "Platonov’s poetic manner."
Research Interests
Language studies of creative
works by A. Platonov.
Publications Linguistical works including monographs: "Dnevnik kak ego-text" ("Diary as an ego-text (Russia, XIX-XX)". M., 2007. "V mir Platonova cherez ego yazyk" ("Platonov’s views through his language"). M., 2003.