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Lavoshnikova, Elina Constantinovna
Present Position 1967-1970: Moscow State University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Logics. 1970 – current: Moscow State University Scientific Research Computer Center Currently – Leading Computer Programmer. E-mail:
Education and Professional Training Moscow State University Phylological Faculty, Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics. Graduate work – Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics.
Research Interests Lexicography and Computer systems of spellchecking, syntax and punctuation. Participated in the creation of first spellcheckers for Russian texts. Created word-formative expanded dictionary for proof-readers based on "Russian Grammar Dictionary" by Zalizniak. Participated in editing the anthology "The Poetry of Moscow University: from Lomonosov and up to…" (printed and Internet editions). Edits the publication of Scientific Research Computer Center "Computational Methods and Programming"
Publications "Computernaya proverka orphographyi vchera, segodnia, zavtra" // Vestnik Moscovskogo universiteta. Serija 9 "Philologiya". 2003 № 5. ("Computer Spellchecking Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" // Moscow University Bulletin. Series 9 "Philology". 2003 № 5.
"Ob organizatsyi sistemnykh slovarej computernykh orphocorrectorov". Sbornik "Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya’. Seriya 2: "Informatsionnyje protsessy y systemy" № 9, 2004. ("Computer Spellchecking System Dictionaries and their organization". "Science and Engineering Information" Series 2: "Informational Processes and Systems" № 9, 2004. (See for the new variant).
"O computernoj proverke syntaxicheskikh construktsij v textakh na russkom jazyke". // "Informatsionnyje protsessy". Tom 5, № 3, 2005. ("Computer Spellchecking of Syntactic Constructions in Russian Texts". // "Informational Processes" Volume 5, № 3, 2005. (See for the new variant).
"O computernoj correctsyi psikhologhichesky obuslovlennykh oshibok pravopisaniya v textakh na russkom jazyke". ("Computer Correction of Psychological spelling mistakes in Russian Texts"). (See