Русский |
Pertsova, Natalya Nikolaevna
Present Position
Education and Professional
Training Graduate work - Department of General Linguistics
1977 Kandidat degree. "K probleme modelirovaniia ponimaniia teksta". Degree granted through Moscow State University, Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics, V.A.Zvegintsev, Head
2000 Doctor degree. "Slovotvorchestvo i svjazannye s nim problemy idiostilja Velimira Xlebnikova. Degree granted through Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of the Russian language
Professional Experience
1971-1976 Laboratory of Machine Translation, Junior Research Scholar. Head of Laboratory - V.Ju. Rosenzveig
Teaching Experience The Department of Algorithmical Languages, School of Computational Mathematics and Cybernatics, Moscow State University. Cources included "Semantic Models", "Current Problems of Linguistics", etc. University of Klagenfurth, Austria, Departmentof General Linguistics. Course: "Linguistic Aspects of Artificial Intelligence". Graduate level Russian State Humanitary University, Department of General and Applied Linguistics. Course: "Automatic Text Processing" Moscow State Linguistic University, Department of General Linguistics. Courses: "Introduction to general linguistisc", "Semantics"
Research Interests Natural Language Semantics, Derivation, Neologisms of Russian Futurists and Symbolists, Leibnitz's Linguistic Studies, Linguistic Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
Publications Upwards of 90, including: Velimir Khlebnikov’s Coinages. Moscow: MGU, 2003. Dictionary of Velimir Khlebnikov's Neologisms. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Sonderband 40, 1995. Formalization of Interpretation of the Word. Moscow: MGU, 1988. Problems of Contemporary Semantics in the Light of 17th century West European Philosophy. Moscow, 1988. Semantics of the Word in Leibnitz's Linguistic Conception. Moscow, 1985.
Translations & Abstracts & Review Articles Upwards of 30 translations of linguistics and literary-criticism articles, including Jakobson, Lyons, Fillmore, Z.Vendler, Katz, and Lakoff, pricipally for series "Novoe v zarubezhnoj linguistike". (New Work in Linguistics Abroad) for Progress Publishers. Upwards of 150 abstracts appeared in series of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI) of the Academy of Sciences, Referativnyi zhurnal and Ekspress- informatsiia. Major review articles on Terry Winograd's and Yorik A. Wilks's work
Conferences and Lectures (selected) 1982, Prague, COLING. "On the Types of Seman tic Compression of Text". 1989, Prague, Charles University, Conference on Automatic Text Processing. "Automatic Model of Russian Derivation". 1990, Boston, Bolt Beranek & Newman Institute, Brandeis University. "Automatic Processing of Russian". 1992, Darmstadt, GMD, International Workshop on the Meaning - Text Theory. "Implementation of Lexical Functions in Automatic Derivational Analysis of Russian". 1997, SUNY, UCLA, Columbia Un-ty, Portland State Un-ty. "Khlebnikov's sign language". 2002, Amsterdam, International Conference "Velimir Khlebnikov (1885-1922)...". "Word and drawing in Xlebnikov's manuscripts". 2006, Lyon, Un-ty Lyon-3, International Conference "Velimir Khlebnikov...". “Comparison of early and late Khlebnikov’s manuscripts”.
Grants (selected) Grant by the fund "Cultural Iniciative" (Jorge Soros's fund), grant number Z7 5000/450, :"Разработка формальной словообразовательной грамматики русского языка", title: "Razrabotka formal'noj slovoobrazovatel'noj grammatiki russkogo jazyka, 1994-1995. Grant by the J.William Fulbright Scholarship Board, grant number: 21259, issue date: 06/26/96, discipline: Language and Literatures (non-U.S.), category: research, title: Preparation of Critical Edition of V. Khlebnikov's Draft Notebooks, 1997.